
Application Updating Help

Updating Your Application

Updating Your Application Through the Online Portal

Due to recent changes made by the Government of Alberta, applicants on CHC’s waiting list for housing are required to update their information.

Below is important information for you if you are updating your application through the Online Applicant Portal.

  • When logging on to the Applicant Portal – ensure you are selecting the “Applicant Portal” and not the “Resident Portal”. The Resident Portal is ONLY for current residents of CHC.
  • We recommend using the web version of the Portal rather than on your phone for the best experience
  • Note – due to the high volume of updates, we are unable to complete the update over the phone with you at this time. If you require support, please come into our offices located at Marlborough Mall. 


If you already have an account in the Applicant Portal:
  • To sign into your Portal, you must use the email address we have on file as your username (e.g.
  • If you forget your password, select “Forget Password” to reset it
  • Even if there have been no changes to your household, there are NEW questions that you are required to answer. Click through every tab in the Portal to see the new questions, specifically the Household Information Tab
  • If you are unable to move to the next tab, it is because a question is not answered. This will display as red
  • If you are using a smart phone, you will not be able to see the tabs, you can move through the questions by selecting the “back” or “next” buttons
If you do not have an account for the Applicant Portal – but DO have an application for housing with us:
  • If you know your “p-code”, select “I have a registration code” and enter your p-code as your registration code and begin your registration process
  • If you do not know your “p-code” please call us at 587-390-1200 and we will provide this to you
  • DO NOT create a new account without this code as it will not connect to your existing application.
  • Once you are logged onto your account, ensure you review your information in each tab and answer the NEW questions that have been added, specifically the Household Information Tab
  • If you are unable to move to the next tab, it is because a question is not answered. The question will display as red.
  • If you are using a smart phone, you will not be able to see the tabs, you can move through the questions by selecting the “back” or “next” buttons


If you do not currently have an application with CHC, and would like to create one submit an online application:
  • Select “I do not have a registration code”
Contact Us

If you require assistance, contact our office at any time throughout the process to book an appointment.

Calgary Housing Office
Wood Centre
200, 2535 3rd Ave. SE
Calgary, AB

Please note – As of April 2024, all former District Offices have permanently closed.

Calgary Housing Company DOES NOT provide Emergency Housing.

If you require Emergency Housing please click here for help.

A diverse group of happy people of a wide range of ages.

Have Your Voice Heard

In early 2024 we will be reaching out to residents to gather your experiences, opinions, and ideas to inform our Anti-Racism Strategy.

You can participate by:

  • Completing the survey that will be distributed in early 2024
  • Volunteer to join a focus group (this will be available through the survey)


Watch for more information coming soon!