
Community Partnerships

Partners in Opportunity and Service

At Calgary Housing Company (CHC), we invest in community partnerships with organizations who are working alongside us to provide opportunities to residents and applicants to navigate challenges and reach their goals. We understand that achieving our mission of providing safe and affordable housing that enables positive social outcomes means acknowledging the interconnectedness of different areas of people’s lives.

Housing is one factor for the wellbeing of an individual or family, and it is inseparably connected to other areas such as employment, early childhood development, food security, and more. By working with other organizations with expertise and resources in other areas, CHC and its partners can leverage their own work and services to achieve more than could be achieved alone.

To guide our community partnership efforts, CHC has developed a Community Partnership Strategy that guides CHC’s decision making and capacity development in the area of community partnerships. A summary copy of the strategy can be viewed here. 

As of January 2024, CHC has partnership agreements with:

Accessible Housing
Alberta Health Services ACT
Arusha Centre
Bethany Chapel
Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth
Calgary Food Bank
Calgary Humane Society
Calgary Public Library
Closer to Home Community Services
Community Connect YYC
Derick’s Youth Centre & First Assembly Church
Edgemont Community Association
Experience Church
Fresh Routes

Highbanks Society
Hull Services PATCH
I Can For Kids
Neighbourhood Strategies (City of Calgary)
North East Family Connections
Recreation & Social Programs (City of Calgary)
Rise Calgary
SHARP Foundatoin
Southeast Calgary Community Resource Centre
The Mustard Seed
Trellis Society
Umoja Community Mosaic
University of Calgary Health Sciences Centre
Vibrant Communities Calgary
Women in Need Society

CHC also collaborates with many other organizations in the community and works to support residents and applicants to access services. More information about how CHC provides support can be found on our Resident Support page.

We regularly share stories and posts about our work with community partners. Check out our annual report  and news page for more!

Partnerships at CHC are supported by Tenant Liaisons, Community Development Specialists, and a Community Partnership Coordinator. To learn more about community partnerships with CHC, please contact us at

A diverse group of happy people of a wide range of ages.

Have Your Voice Heard

In early 2024 we will be reaching out to residents to gather your experiences, opinions, and ideas to inform our Anti-Racism Strategy.

You can participate by:

  • Completing the survey that will be distributed in early 2024
  • Volunteer to join a focus group (this will be available through the survey)


Watch for more information coming soon!