
Calgary’s Neighbour Day June 20, 2020

Calgary’s Neighbour Day June 20, 2020 Neighbour Day is a yearly celebration of Calgary’s strong community spirit. It started in 2014 in honour of the incredible support and generosity Calgarians showed after the 2013 floods. Now it’s an opportunity to connect with our neighbours, show how we care for each other and celebrate how we […]

Calgary Housing Company Software Replacement in June

Calgary Housing Company Software Replacement in June Calgary Housing Company (CHC) is replacing its software system. We are excited about getting a new system that will improve housing services, application processing, invoice processing and enhance our reporting. The new software is being implemented in two phases. The first phase is being installed at the end […]

Home Ownership Dream a Reality for Former CHC Tenant

Home Ownership Dream a Reality for Former CHC Tenant Support and guidance from Attainable Homes home ownership program helps mom and her kids make the move On February 21, Rundle Manor tenant Sintayehu Assefa got the keys to her brand new home. Assefa’s move into home ownership comes about after she connected with resources presented […]

Upcoming carya Groups

carya’s groups can help you build skills that will increase your quality of life. They also provide opportunities to build relationships and learn from others who are walking a similar path. 

A diverse group of happy people of a wide range of ages.

Have Your Voice Heard

In early 2024 we will be reaching out to residents to gather your experiences, opinions, and ideas to inform our Anti-Racism Strategy.

You can participate by:

  • Completing the survey that will be distributed in early 2024
  • Volunteer to join a focus group (this will be available through the survey)


Watch for more information coming soon!