We’re All in This Together!
A Letter from CHC President Sarah Woodgate
Greetings to all CHC Tenants,
At Calgary Housing Company, the health, safety and wellbeing of our tenants is of the utmost importance. The current situation we are facing with COVID-19 is unprecedented. All levels of government, citizens and the community are comingtogether to support the fight against the virus and ‘flatten the curve’.
We all have a role to play in fighting the spread of COVID-19. Everyone’s behavior can have a big impact. Our solidarity and commitment to fighting the pandemic is important. I want to share with you what Calgary Housing Company is doing and what you can do to help fight the virus and ‘flatten the curve’ together. WE can ALL make a difference if WE ALL do our part.
Partnering to Flatten the Curve
In order to help prevent the spread of the virus, we have enhanced cleaning and disinfecting in our buildings, and have closed down community rooms, amenity spaces and social gathering areas. We will continue to work with our partners in the community for food delivery programs and other supports. We are continuing to provide emergency repairs but deferring all other requests to be completed at a later date. These are just some of the actions that we have taken.
You can do your part to help stop the spread of COVID-19. This includes following the public health orders issued by Alberta Health Services for self-isolation and quarantining, maintaining 2-metres distance from others at all times, wiping down laundry machines after using them, postponing social gatherings, and using your elbow to operate elevator buttons. These individual actions will have a big impact.
For more information on what Calgary Housing Company is doing and how you can help, watch this website for updates and, if you are not receiving our regular tenant email updates, sign up here to receive them.
Well-Being Checks and Support to Tenants
Calgary Housing Company staff are reaching out to tenants who may need help with daily living needs, such as food and medicine.
We are also encouraging tenants to tell us if they are self-isolating or ill. It’s voluntary, but having this information will help us to connect you to supports you may need. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Property Manager, Tenant Liaison or call us directly on our customer service line at (587) 390-1200. We are here to help you.
Rent Payment Plans
Ensuring that tenants have safe, adequate housing is very important at this time. We are continuing to work with tenants whose employment income has been impacted due to COVID-19 so that they can continue to stay in their homes and support our efforts to ‘flatten the curve’.
All tenants are responsible for paying their rent – however we do recognize the loss of income and financial hardship that some tenants may be facing as a result of the current COVID-19 circumstances. If you are having difficulty with your rent –contact your Property Manager to discuss options and resources that are available to help support you in paying your rent during this time.
Essential Visitors
As part of our evolving response, we are taking additional measures to help protect the health and safety of the people living in our communities. To that end, we have attached a notice of change to our tenancy rules that have been designed to protect your safety, the safety of your neighbours and loved ones, and our staff. This notice is to ensure that together we are doing our collective part to comply with Alberta Health Service orders and help contain the spread of the virus. We need your support to reinforce these tenancy rules and ensure everyone’s safety.
During this state of emergency we are asking all residents to limit visitors to essential visitors to help reduce the spread.
The situation around us changes daily and CHC will continue to respond with the safety, health and well-being of our staff, tenants and partners at the forefront of our decisions. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our community is a joint partnership between CHC staff and tenants.
We need your help to ensure that we support efforts to ‘flatten the curve’ and ensure the health and safety of all of our valued guests and tenants. You can do your part by continuing to comply with the orders under the State of Public Health Emergency and reporting any incidents or violations to the proper authorities.
Help each other stay safe during this time. If you see something, say something. If you are concerned someone is not following public health orders, you can:
- remind the person that not following public health orders is against the law and puts people at risk
- submit a complaint online to AHS public health inspectors
- or call AHS directly at 1-833-415-9179
You can also report your concerns about any unsafe behavior directly to your property manager or the Calgary Housing Company general customer service line (587) 390-1200.
Stay safe, and remember – we are all in this together!
Sarah Woodgate
President, Calgary Housing Company