
Applicant Things to Know

Things to Know for Applicants

  • If you are Eligible for housing, that means you have met the criteria for housing outlined by the Government of Alberta based on:
    • Your Income
    • Your Citizenship Status
    • Your Assets
  • If you are Eligible, you are on Calgary Housing Company’s waiting list for subsidized housing
  • Eligible households are required to keep their application up to date:
    • Submit any changes to your application (Example, a change in income or change in your household). This can be done easily through the Applicant Portal, coming to our office and in some cases via a phone call.
  • Eligible households are required to contact us at least once every 12 months to remain active on the waiting list.
  • The number of households on our waiting list far exceeds the housing we have available
  • In 2022, there are over 6,000 households eligible for Social housing. Our community is working hard to increase the number of affordable housing units.
  • The waiting list is based on Government of Alberta regulations 
    • Housing is assigned based on highest need. For more information please review appendix A above
    • It is not based on length of time waiting unless priority is equal
  • If you are considered to be the highest priority Calgary Housing Company must also wait for a unit that meets your needs to become available – for example, a unit in your selected community, with the right number of bedrooms, etc.
  • Factors that may impact the amount of time you wait may include:
    • The number of communities you select – if you only select one community for example, it may take longer for a unit to become available in that location.
      • It is important that you only select communities you want to live in (see Transfer information below for more information).
    • The number of bedrooms that you need – Calgary Housing Company has limited number of larger units and it may take a longer time if you require a four or five-bedroom home.
  • The amount of time it may take to receive housing support is based on:
    • Your need
    • The number of households who are also Eligible, who may be considered to be in a higher need based on the Government of Alberta regulation.
    • Our availability of housing that meets the requirements for you and your family

For these reasons, it is very difficult to provide an estimated wait time.

Community (Social) Housing
  • Community Housing is what Calgary Housing Company is most known for.
  • This program is Rent-Geared-to-Income, meaning your rent is based on 30% of your gross (before tax) income
  • Households for this program are selected from our waiting list.
  • An annual income verification is required to remain in this program
Rent Supplement

Rent Supplement is a program where Calgary Housing Company provides a subsidy to you directly each month to help pay your rent when renting from another landlord (not Calgary Housing Company or other affordable housing provider).

  • Households for this program are selected from our waiting list
  • An annual income verification is required to remain in this program

There are two types of programs in Rent Supplement and the amount of subsidy is based on the program you are in:

  1. Rental Assistance Benefit (RAB) 


    • Calgary
    • Chestemere
  1. Temporary Rental Assistance Benefit (TRAB)


    • Calgary
    • Cochrane
    • Airdrie
    • Chestemere

For more information on the program types, click here.


This program type has a Set Rent typically 20-30% below average market rent meaning, if the average rent in a community is $1,000, the rent in an Affordable program may be as low as $700.

Households for this program may be selected from our waiting list or may be advertised on Rent Faster. See below for details to see Calgary Housing Company units listed on RentFaster.

To be eligible for this program, you must have a minimum income amount that would allow you to only spend 30% of your income on rent. For example – if the rent was $700, your minimum monthly income would need to be $2,333/month.

An annual income verification is required to remain in this program


Near Market

This program type has a Set Rent typically 10% below average market rent.

Near Market Units are listed on RentFaster.

There are minimum and maximum income limits in this program that will be listed on each ad.

Rent revenue from the Near Market units help to support Calgary Housing Company’s ability to deliver other housing programs

** Mixed – Model Properties

Mixed Model is a description for some properties that are a mix of program types, these properties have the following units:

  • Community (Social) Housing/Rent Geared to Income
  • Affordable/Set-Rent
  • Near Market

An annual income verification is required to remain in the Rent Geared to Income and Affordable programs

Other Housing Providers – Did you know there are many affordable housing providers in Calgary and across Alberta?

For information on other affordable housing providers, you can call 2-1-1 or check out this website: Find Housing Digital Service: Government of Alberta

Download the City of Calgary Affordable Housing Guide 


**On your Application and/or in the Applicant Portal – you can select programs that you are interested in.**

Visit Rental Properties Calgary: Apartments & Houses For Rent –

    1. In the “Filter” Tab, scroll down to the bottom.
    2. In the “Keyword” search type “Calgary Housing Company”
  • This will show you all Calgary Housing Company homes available and will outline any income requirements.

If you have an outstanding balance, you must pay it in full. You may enter into a payment plan and make payments on the amount owing in order to be Eligible on our waiting list.

Unacceptable Behaviour & Workplace Violence Policy
  • Calgary Housing Company commits to treating everyone with respect and dignity and in turn we ask the same from customers
  • Unacceptable behaviors including but not limited to – swearing, aggressive language or body language, threatening behaviors and acts of violence are not tolerated
  • Unacceptable behaviors may result in a suspension from CHC’s offices and services or removal from the waiting list for housing for continued breaches
  • Information on the policy and our service commitments can be found here.
Suspension Policy
  • Calgary Housing Company has limited housing and the demand for affordable housing far exceeds what is available
  • When you are Eligible and on our waiting list and are offered to view a unit, and view that unit in person and decline it you may be suspended from the waiting list for a period of 3 months
    • You are able to decline a unit for reasons related to health and safety
    • You are able to decline a unit without penalty if you do not view it in person.
    • You can request the address to view it online or visit the neighbourhood before agreeing to view the unit.
  • It is very important that the information on your application, including your neighbourhood selection is accurate
  • Information on the policy can be found here.
Transfer Policy
  • Calgary Housing Company has limited housing and the demand for affordable housing far exceeds what is available
  • Our ability to transfer, or move someone, once they are in a CHC managed housing unit is limited
  • In order to be eligible for a transfer, you must meet specific criteria outlined in this policy, including the requirement to have lived in your current unit for 12 months and to be a resident in good standing.
  • When you accept a unit to move into through Calgary Housing Company, please ensure it meets your needs as there is a long waiting list for Transferring, even if you are eligible.

Additional Information can be found in the Resident section of the site:

Applicants are responsible for managing their applications and ensuring the information provided is current. The best way to update your file is to reflect changes to personal circumstances using the applicant portal. These may include any of the following:

  • Personal Information:
    • Household members
    • Address changes
    • Email address is current
  • Notice of Assessment(s), which must be updated annually
  • Utility payments
  • Changes to personal circumstances
    • Health and Safety
    • Personal Well-being
  • Personal preferences
    • Pets
    • Building selections
    • Specific Housing programs including the Rent Supplement programs


If you do not have any updates to your application, you are still required to check in once every 12 months to remain eligible on our waitlist.  The requirement to check-in starts again immediately following the update.  Alternatively, you can check-in using email to, or call us at (587) 390-1200 during regular business hours. 

Updating using the Applicant Portal is the most efficient and effective way to ensure your application is current and remains eligible.  Each time we receive updates to your application, your application is re-assessed to ensure your application and priority reflects your current situation.

  • Eligible – means you are eligible for housing and on our waiting list
  • Waiting List – refers to the list of eligible households waiting for a CHC managed unit and/or a Rent Supplement. Note there is no guarantee that housing may be provided if you are on the waiting list, as demand far exceeds housing that is available.
  • Application Update – means an update with new or revised information to your application
  • Applicant Portal – means the online application system to submit, review or edit/change your application.
Contact Us

If you require assistance, contact our office at any time throughout the process to book an appointment.

Calgary Housing Office
Wood Centre
200, 2535 3rd Ave. SE
Calgary, AB

Please note – As of April 2024, all former District Offices have permanently closed.

Calgary Housing Company DOES NOT provide Emergency Housing.

If you require Emergency Housing please click here for help.

A diverse group of happy people of a wide range of ages.

Have Your Voice Heard

In early 2024 we will be reaching out to residents to gather your experiences, opinions, and ideas to inform our Anti-Racism Strategy.

You can participate by:

  • Completing the survey that will be distributed in early 2024
  • Volunteer to join a focus group (this will be available through the survey)


Watch for more information coming soon!