
Introducing Our New Brand

Introducing Our New Brand:

Transforming Lives through Housing and Community

 Calgary Housing LogoWe are excited to introduce the new brand for Calgary Housing. Our brand update is more than just a new look; it’s about reinforcing our mission to build strong communities and support individuals in creating better lives. our focus on not just providing housing but also empowering our residents.

A Transformed Organization

Building on decades of experience and our recognition of a changing landscape for affordable housing, Calgary Housing has transformed to respond to changes in community need, in how affordable housing is funded, and to the role we can play in the housing landscape. We are focused on service, sustainability, and empowering residents and communities.

Central to this transformation is the shift from the 50-year-old model of government funded social housing to a mixed-income model that serves a broader range of need, does not rely on governments for operating funds, builds community, and sees neighbours helping neighbours through a range of rent levels meeting different needs within communities.

What Our New Brand Represents

Our new brand is a reflection of our transformed organization.

At the core of our new brand is the idea of “Creating opportunities for communities to flourish.” Our new logo, featuring a black-capped chickadee, symbolizes transformation, security, and the feeling of a comfortable, familiar home. The chickadee, Calgary’s official bird, represents the idea of having a safe and secure place – it’s the “little bird that lets us know we’re home.”

Our Journey to the New Brand

The journey to this rebrand started with listening to our community. We conducted surveys and interviews with employees, residents, community partners, and the public to understand their views and needs. We found that while Calgary Housing has a big impact on people’s lives, this wasn’t always reflected in how we present ourselves. This feedback helped us shape a brand that truly represents our role in the community.

Rolling Out the New Brand

We are introducing the new brand gradually, starting at our Annual General Meeting on June 21, where it is featured in our Annual Report. At the same time, we are launching an updated website that showcases the new look and feel.

This gradual rollout allows us to integrate and extend the application of the new brand efficiently, ensuring we manage costs responsibly. We are incorporating the new brand identity gradually, aligning it with our regular business activities to avoid unnecessary expenses. You will begin to see the new branding in various places, from our communications to our physical and digital materials, reflecting the evolution of our organization.

Why This Matters

At Calgary Housing, we believe that housing is more than just a roof over someone’s head. It’s the starting point for building a better life. Our new brand highlights this belief by focusing on the opportunities and support we provide to help our residents and communities thrive. We are a purpose-driven, innovative, and service-oriented organization committed to sustainable housing solutions that make a real difference in people’s lives.

Looking Ahead

We are excited to embark on this new chapter. Our new brand reflects who we are today and where we are headed. We hope this change better reflects our commitment to create a positive impact for the Calgarians we serve and the communities where we live.



Recent News
Tenant Handbook

In Summer 2020 we compiled a new Printable PDF version of important information for tenants. You will find details on how to connect with CHC, guidance on the programs we provide, and advice on maintenance and management of your home. Keep a copy of the PDF on your device or print your own hardcopy. Download CHC Tenant Handbook 2020

A diverse group of happy people of a wide range of ages.

Have Your Voice Heard

In early 2024 we will be reaching out to residents to gather your experiences, opinions, and ideas to inform our Anti-Racism Strategy.

You can participate by:

  • Completing the survey that will be distributed in early 2024
  • Volunteer to join a focus group (this will be available through the survey)


Watch for more information coming soon!