
Tips to Prepare Your Residence for Winter

Getting Your Home Ready for Winter


This December is forecast to be unseasonably cold. Some winter maintenance emergencies can be prevented with a little bit of advance work. This can save you time and money by preventing a burst pipe or slipping on an icy sidewalk.



  • Shut off water at the source (hoses, sprinklers, etc). There will usually be a valve in the basement. Drain the line by leaving the outside tap turned on after the indoor one has been turned off.
  • Remove any hoses or sprinklers from outside taps.
  • Store any toys and outdoor furniture in one comer of the yard, potentially covered with a tarp.
  • Store any winter toys such as sleds safety and away from walkways.


Patio Doors, Windows & Balconies

  • Please keep any windows and patio doors closed during cold temperatures to prevent plumbing and heating fixtures from freezing. An open window can lead to a burst pipe when it is below 0 degrees outside.
  • Please do not use your balcony for storage purposes, this includes summer tires.
  • Do not use your balcony to dry clothes or hang items.



  • Sidewalks must be cleared of snow/ice within 24 hours of each snowfall. This includes the City sidewalks as well as any sidewalks or steps leading to your residence. Snow removal is managed by residents.
  • If you see ice or snow on a common walking area in your property, please submit a maintenance request.



  • Residents are responsible for changing the furnace filters in their residence. Furnace filters need to be changed every three months to allow the furnace to function properly and ensure your residence is heated efficiently.
  • In winter, residents should set their furnace/thermostat to 20 degrees Celsius for even heating.


Apartment Hallways

  • Please do not leave boot trays, boots, toys, garbage, recycling or anything else outside your apartment door or in apartment common areas.
  • Please do not let your children play in the hallways.


Outside Parking Plugs

  • Check your outdoor parking plug is working. If it isn’t working, please submit a maintenance request for repair. A hair dryer is a good way to test the plug.


Vehicles and Parking Areas

  • All vehicles must have a valid license plate and be in running condition. Derelict or abandoned vehicles will be tagged and towed at the expense of the owner.
  • Most buildings have one designated parking stall per unit. If you have more than one vehicle, please park the additional vehicles on the street. Visitor parking is reserved for visitors and other residents. Stalls are reserved for the residents of the indicated unit.
  • Keep the area around your parking stall free of snow. Do not shovel snow and ice into neighboring stalls or obstruct other vehicles.
  • Do not leave your vehicle running and unlocked with the keys inside even if it is for a short period of time.


Smoke Detectors

  • Never shut off the breaker for your smoke detector for any reason. If your smoke detector is battery operated, do not remove the batteries. Removing or altering fire and safety equipment is a serious risk to you and your neighbours.
  • Do not remove, cover, or alter your smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector.
  • Test your smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector every 30 days. If you find that one or both are not functioning properly, immediately contact Calgary Housing Company and submit a maintenance.



  • If your residence permits pets, please keep your pet on a leash at all times when it is outside your unit or enclosed yard.
  • Always clean up after your pet to prevent any contamination or odor. Even in the wintertime pet refuse needs to be removed from yards and residences.
  • Never dump pet waste, wood shavings, pet food, or other pet materials in common areas. These items must be bagged and disposed of in garbage bins.
  • If you are unsure if pets are allowed in your residence, please contact your Property Manager before acquiring the animal.


Holiday Safety

  • Christmas trees and other decorations should be kept away from heat sources including registers, vents, lamps, candles, heaters and more.
  • If you have a real Christmas tree, please water it regularly as a dry Christmas tree is a fire hazard.
  • Christmas lights should be turned off when you are not home or asleep as they can pose a fire hazard.
  • Candles are discouraged as they are a fire hazard. If you do use candles, please keep them away from flammable objects such as curtains, bedding, and Christmas trees.
  • Poinsettias are harmful if ingested. Please take care when leaving the plants unattended around children and pets.


This list has been compiled with common winter concerns and questions in mind. Residents are also reminded if they haven’t yet purchased Resident Insurance to contact their agent today. Insurance protects you and your neighbours from loss and expense.


If you are experiencing a Maintenance Emergency, please call (587) 390-1200 and press Option 3. This service is available 24 hours per day, seven days a week including weekends and holidays.

CHC is excited to launch our new Resident Portal. If you have not done so already, be sure to register for your secure, online account where you can submit non-urgent maintenance requests, check the status of those requests, contact our staff and view details of your account with us. Access the Resident Portal here.

Thank you for doing your part to take care of your unit and property. We wish you an enjoyable winter and holiday season!



Recent News
Tenant Handbook

In Summer 2020 we compiled a new Printable PDF version of important information for tenants. You will find details on how to connect with CHC, guidance on the programs we provide, and advice on maintenance and management of your home. Keep a copy of the PDF on your device or print your own hardcopy. Download CHC Tenant Handbook 2020

Accessibility Tools
A diverse group of happy people of a wide range of ages.

Have Your Voice Heard

In early 2024 we will be reaching out to residents to gather your experiences, opinions, and ideas to inform our Anti-Racism Strategy.

You can participate by:

  • Completing the survey that will be distributed in early 2024
  • Volunteer to join a focus group (this will be available through the survey)


Watch for more information coming soon!