
Your Tenancy


Do you have questions about how to pay your rent? How your rent is determined? How to request a rent adjustment? Here is some helpful and important information that you need to know as a Calgary Housing resident.

Landlords have responsibilities, including:

  • Making the premises available on the date the residential tenancy takes effect
  • Giving the resident a written “Notice of Landlord” with the address and contact information of the landlord within seven days of the resident moving in
  • Not disturbing the residents peaceful enjoyment of the premises
  • Not bothering the resident beyond what is necessary to do the landlord’s business
  • Ensuring the premises is habitable at the beginning and throughout the tenancy

Residents also have several responsibilities to ensure they remain in good standing with their landlord, these include:

  • Paying rent on time
  • Being considerate of the landlord and other residents
  • Not endangering other tenants
  • Not performing illegal acts or conduct illegal business on the premises
  • Keeping your home and assigned outdoor areas clean and in a reasonable state of repair.
  • Keeping the premises clean
  • Preventing damages to the premises
  • Reporting maintenance concerns
  • Replacing furnace filters, checking smoke detectors
  • Moving out when the rental agreement ends

Calgary Housing’s Eviction Prevention Program aims to support successful tenancies and to employ best practices to prevent eviction from CH where possible.

The vast majority of people experiencing eviction processes is a result of late rent payments. The focus is on primary and secondary approaches towards addressing the root causes of the late rent payments and preventing the circumstance. Significantly less common are circumstances that involve eviction for breaches of lease commitments or tenancy regulation with regard to tenant responsibilities (i.e. behaviours affecting neighbours peaceful enjoyment of property, violence or illegal activities.)

Read the Calgary Housing Eviction Prevention Policy

The program seeks to balance CH’s social mandate with the business needs of the company including the rights and safety of all CH tenants, staff and the surrounding community, as well as individual residents while maintaining compliance with the Residential Tenancies Act and other regulations under the Alberta Housing Act.

The principles of the Eviction Prevention Program are:

  • All actions will reflect a flexible and compassionate position to prevent eviction. A flexible and compassionate approach to eviction prevention does not mean eviction will never occur, but rather that CH strives to ensure residents are in the right program that is best suited to meet their needs and support a positive housing outcome. This may be within CH programming, or a transfer or referral to another housing provider.
  • CH will work with residents, community agencies, and other public supports where possible to identify solutions and to maintain tenancies wherever possible; and where eviction is not preventable, to make every effort to refer the resident(s) to other housing options.
  • CH recognizes the rights of each individual to be treated fairly, with respect and without discrimination.
  • CH is committed to the early identification and mitigation of issues that may negatively impact housing stability for residents.

CH receives the majority of its revenue from rent that residents pay. Collection and management of rent is crucial to the ongoing viability of the Corporation and the delivery of our social mandate.

Communication and trust are a key component of the eviction prevention process. CHC focuses on different strategies of eviction prevention, examples include:


  • Resident Onboarding at Lease Signing to detail roles and responsibilities of both resident and landlord
  • Rent Smart – an 8 week program offered 4 times/year to educate residents on resident and landlord responsibilities
  • Tenant Liaison supports – CH has 8 Tenant Liaisons (registered Social Workers) who provider referral supports to residents ranging from food security, financial literacy, vocational training, legal services, mental health supports and more
  • On-site partnerships at select properties with resource rooms to provide additional resources and supports (e.g. Women in Need, Community Social Workers, Mustard Seed)
  • Rent adjustments where a household has had a decrease in income (only available in certain programs – speak to your Property Manager if you have had a change in income)
  • On site office hours for Property Managers and Tenant Liaisons to ensure CHC staff are available to address any concerns or supports needs from residents


  • Payment Plans to support households in arrears as well as alternative payment dates
  • Mediation supports where there is escalating conflict between neighbours or within a household
  • Referrals to case management support where a households requires more ongoing case management and support
  • Transfers to supportive housing agencies
  • Warning notices for breaches to the lease agreement (excludes cases of violence)
  • Release of Information to collaborate and coordinate supports for households connected to other support agencies

There are two types of breaches where CH is limited in our ability to prevent an eviction, those are:

  1. Violence or threat of violence towards CH residents, staff or contractors
    • CH has a zero-tolerance policy to ensure the rights and safety of residents and to uphold our legal responsibilities as a landlord under the Residential Tenancies Act, as well as our duties to create a safe (including psychologically safe) work environment for our staff)
  2. Failure to provide income verification documents
    • As CH is required under the Affordable Housing Act, and as part of conditions of operating and funding agreements, to verify household income and to ensure annually that households are eligible for subsidized housing

Response to Breach of Lease Agreement

Where there is a household at risk of eviction, or a non-renewal of their lease the following actions are taken, based on the type of breach to the lease agreement and/or Residential Tenancy Act

Type of Breach

What action can be expected


    • Any household in arrears is sent a letter informing of the amount of arrears and information about CH’s Payment Plan process
    • CH supports flexible payment plans that are co-created with the resident to get back on track. Payment plans can even extend multiple years to ensure the success of the payment plan.
    • CH supports residents with information and options about 3rd party payments to support where there are concerns or challenges with money management (e.g. Alberta Works will send the rent portion directly to CH)
    • CHC provides referrals to agencies that provide financial assistance for households with arrears

Over Income Limits

    • In social housing programs, regulated under the Affordable Housing Act, households must be under the Income Limits to remain eligible for subsidized housing. Where households are over the Income Limits, or refuse to provide proof of income, CH provides 3 months notice to residents they must vacate (as per the legislation).

Breach of Residential Tenancy Act (RTA)

    • Where there are chronic breaches of the RTA – particularly breaches that impede the rights of other tenants to “reasonable enjoyment of their premises” – residents can expect both written communication from CH as well as meetings to address the behaviours and provide clear expectations to sustain. This response would be to breaches such as frequent noise disturbances, criminal activity, damage to the unit

Violence,  or anti-social/criminal behavior deemed to cause high risk to residents and community

    • Where there are acts of violence from a resident, CH undertakes an investigation – led by the Property Manager and with support of their supervisor and in consultation with other parties including CPS, Corporate Security and CH’s legal services where appropriate.
    • Where there is acts of violence that puts residents, the community or CH staff/contracts at risk, a 24 Hour Notice of Eviction is issued under the authority of the Residential Tenancies Act
    • When a 24 Hour Eviction Notice is served, CH staff continue to provide information to residents about services and resources, including alternative housing. At times, the impacted households may not have an immediate alternative housing to go to, and CH will work with the household to allow them to stay short term while alternative housing is secured – particularly when there are children. This ability is of course dependent on the risk assessment to other residents, CH staff and the community.

Calgary Housing is committed to our vision of becoming the leading affordable housing provider in Canada – to ensuring housing stability and success for the 25,000 Calgarians who live in a CH managed unit. We partner and collaborate with over 100 non-profit organizations to offer programs and services to residents to not only achieve housing stability, but to improve quality of life and support individuals and families to thrive.  When a household is at risk of, or facing eviction, CH partners with agencies to provide housing stability and homeless diversion supports.

Recognizing that communication is a key pillar for eviction prevention, CH has implemented enhanced language services and has a language line available to residents through our customer service centre.

As an affordable housing provider, eviction is a last resort, and significant resources are employed to prevent such outcomes as we understand the impacts and consequences of homelessness and precarious housing. However, in cases of violence CH must ensure, as a landlord, that we are providing safe homes to individuals and children. This approach is applied with a commitment towards safe communities for all residents, staff and contractors

Calgary Housing residents must pay their rent on or before the first day of every month. Payment may be made by:

  • Telephone banking
  • Internet banking
  • Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
  • Cheque: by mail
  • We do not accept cash or post-dated cheques
  • Please note it can take up to 5 days for a payment to reach your account once it is paid.
  • If you have any concerns about not being able to pay your rent on time, please contact your Property Manager to discuss

As part of your tenancy agreement, you must pay the proper authority all the utility charges for your unit (that you are responsible) in a timely manner.

  • If you owe money to your electricity provider they will install a load limiter on your electric power meter. This will allow just enough power to keep the furnace running and some lights on in the winter months (from approximately October 15 to April 25).
  • If you try to use more electricity than the limiter will allow, the breaker on the limiter will be tripped (it will turn off) and electricity will be fully interrupted to your unit.
  • Should you have access to your power meter you will have to reset the breaker on the limiter yourself (located on the outside of your building).
  • If you reside in a property where the power meters are not accessible, you will be required to pay your account in full in order to have the service provider come out and remove the load limiter.
  • Calgary Housing will send someone out to reset the load limiter for you (between Oct. 5 and Apr. 25 only). There is a charge for this service.
  • The cost of damages to the property due to suspension of service (utilities), will be charged to you 
  • Should a change to your family size or significant income change occur you must contact your Property Manager or Account Administrator.
  • Subsidized Housing tenants must report income changes including employment, employment insurance, income assistance or any change in the source of income.

Some Calgary Housing programs are eligible for rent adjustment. See the CHC Programs section for more info.

  • Residents living in Low End of Market housing and Affordable Housing units do not qualify for a rent adjustment. Contact your Property Manager if you are having trouble paying your rent.
  • Subsidized Housing residents must provide proof of your household income, complete a Request for Rent Adjustment Form , sign and date the form, and submit it to your Housing Administrator.
  • Residents in CH’s Social Housing Program may be eligible for a rent adjustment if there has been a change in the household’s characteristics AND there is a resulting decrease in the household’s total income of $165 or more. For more information, contact your Housing Administrator.
  • If you are in need of a Rent Adjustment Form, you can contact your Housing Administrator or you can pick one up in person at our main office.
  • Your Request for Rent Adjustment Form will be reviewed and, if approved, you will receive a letter indicating what your new monthly rent will be. Rent adjustments cannot be backdated.
  • Deadline for submissions is the 25th of the month. The review will take effect the month following the submission (ex. if the paperwork is submitted on or before January 25th, the possible rent adjustment would take effect in February. If the paperwork is submitted after January 25th, the possible rent adjustment would take effect in March.)

Depending on what program you belong to, many Calgary Housing residents are required to complete an annual rent review in accordance with government legislation.

  • Residents of applicable programs will receive a Rent Review notice in advance with the due date for completion
  • When you receive a Review Form, you are required to complete it and provide us with proof of your gross household (before tax) income.
    • Residents who receive a Rent Review notice are required to complete the review process and provide proof of their gross household (before tax) income.
    • Residents in CH’s Social Housing Program are required to provide their most recent Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment for income verification for all household members.
    • If you receive Alberta Works Income Support, Alberta Works Learner Income Support, and/or AISH, you will also need to provide verification documents (i.e. Health Benefit Card and/or Funding Assessment Decision Letter). This will confirm your eligibility for certain exemptions that may apply to those who receive Income Support, Learner Support and/or AISH as income.
    • If you do not have a Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment and need assistance completing your income tax forms, you can go to the Service Canada website ( and search “tax clinics”. There you will be able to find a free tax clinic in your area that suits your needs as well as information about what you need to do to get your taxes done. You can also reach out to your Tenant Liaison and ask about other resources in your community that may offer tax clinics, specifically during tax season
  • If you need a Rent Adjustment Form, you can contact your Housing Administrator or you can pick one up in person at our main office.
  • Even if you have recently filled out a Request for Rent Adjustment Form and/or your household income or family situation has not changed, you must still complete the Annual Rent Review Form and return it to us by the due date.
  • Failure to return all documents by the due date may result in losing your rent subsidy and you will be issued a Notice to End Tenancy.
  • For information on how rent is calculated, see the CH Programs section.

Resident Portal

  • Our Resident Portal provides a safe and secure way to access information about your account balances and request maintenance work in your unit and/or property.
  • It also provides easy access to notices of events and announcements for properties.
  • We have started to expand the Resident Portal to include the ability to complete the Annual Review Process online, making it more efficient and accessible to residents. For more information on if your property is included contact your Housing Administrator.
  • If you have not yet registered for the Resident Portal, you can do so here. 

We understand that at times residents need to relocate to a new unit during the term of their lease agreement. When a request is made for reasons related to health, safety or security, we try our best to accommodate these requests.

Decisions about approving a request to transfer to a new unit must be made to also consider the need to serve our wait-list and serve the 4,500 households in our community waiting for access to affordable housing as well as the cost to turn-over units during a transfer.

Click here information about the types of transfers you can apply for as well as the approval criteria.

If you have questions, please contact your Property Manager or our Customer Service Line at (587) 390-1200.

Prior to taking occupancy of your new home, you signed a Residential Tenancy Agreement (Lease) for a fixed term tenancy (this means there will be a start date and an end date to your tenancy).

  • If your lease is not renewed prior to the end date, your tenancy will be declared terminated and you will be required to vacate your premises.
  • Lease renewals are considered if:
    • You remain eligible for the program
    • Your rent is paid in full each month.
    • Your home and yard is kept in an acceptable condition of cleanliness
    • Your behaviour and that of your  family and guests has been considerate and respectful of others,
    • You do not breach any of the terms of your lease agreement.
  • Calgary Housing conducts periodic inspections of your unit to assist us in determining whether your tenancy may continue.
  • Lease renewal signings take place during the last month of your existing term. Refer to your lease.
  • If have lost your lease agreement, you can call your Property Manager to request another copy.

If you are renting under our Affordable or Low End of Market programs, you may be subject to an increase in your rent.

  • Each year Calgary Housing conducts rental market surveys to evaluate rent amounts
  • The new rent must be agreed upon during the lease renewal signing in order to continue your tenancy with us.
  • As per the Residential Tenancy Act, Calgary Housing and their agents may enter your unit with notice between the hours of 8am and 8pm for the purpose of inspecting the state of repair of your unit, for performing repairs, for showing your unit or for pest control measures.
  • To ensure speedy repairs, residents can give Calgary Housing verbal Permission To Enter the unit
  • 24 hour notice will be posted to enter the home unless you give Permission to Enter
  • If you have any pets, please ensure they are confined on the date and time noted
  • If you are not home, a Calgary Housing Representative will provide access to your unit
  • Calgary Housing may enter the residential premises without consent or notice if there are reasonable grounds to believe that an emergency requires the landlord to enter the premises, or the resident has abandoned the premises.
Recent News
Tenant Handbook

In Summer 2020 we compiled a new Printable PDF version of important information for tenants. You will find details on how to connect with CHC, guidance on the programs we provide, and advice on maintenance and management of your home. Keep a copy of the PDF on your device or print your own hardcopy. Download CHC Tenant Handbook 2020

A diverse group of happy people of a wide range of ages.

Have Your Voice Heard

In early 2024 we will be reaching out to residents to gather your experiences, opinions, and ideas to inform our Anti-Racism Strategy.

You can participate by:

  • Completing the survey that will be distributed in early 2024
  • Volunteer to join a focus group (this will be available through the survey)


Watch for more information coming soon!