Home is what we do
Calgary Housing offers a variety of options for individuals and families seeking affordable housing

Who We Are
Calgary Housing provides safe and affordable housing solutions for low- and moderate- income Calgarians in need of non-market rental housing. We operate over 7,100 housing units and administer approximately 3,080 private landlord rent supplements. We meet tenant needs through our varied programs, which include:
- subsidized housing
- near market rentals (approx. 10% below market rates)
- rent supplements for tenants with private landlords
Our building management strategy uses a “mixed income model” that combines below market rates with deep subsidies. By balancing the proportion of units within an individual building, Calgary Housing ensures that new affordable housing developments are financially sustainable while providing an inclusionary approach to housing where tenants of mixed financial means are blended together.
Calgary Housing Annual Reports
Calgary Housing’s Annual Reports are released at the corporate Annual General Meeting usually held in June. The date of the reports reflects the operating year it covers, not the year of release (i.e. the 2023 Annual Report was released in June of 2024).
Calgary Housing is a wholly owned subsidiary of The City of Calgary that works with citizens, governmental, non-profit, and private sector partners. CH reports through a Board of Directors to City Council, which represents Calgary Housing’s shareholder.
Calgary Housing is the largest residential landlord in the City About 10,000 households - 27,000 people - live in CH-managed homes
Who We Serve
Safe, adequate and affordable shelter is a basic human need. Calgary Housing helps meet this need.
While the private sector is able to supply this need for the majority of residents, there is consistent percentage of a population that is unable to afford market housing, creating a need for housing to be supplied at below market rental rates. In Calgary, this need has been recorded at approximately 18% of all households since 1991.
Over 38,000 renter households in Calgary are considered in need of affordable housing – that is they spend greater than 30% of their gross income on housing and earn less than $44,000.
Through direct and indirect programming we make changes in our tenants lives by helping them with housing needs, and providing social support with appropriate agencies.
Our Vision
To be the leading affordable housing provider in Canada, supporting individual well-being and inclusive community building.
Our Mission
Make life better for Calgarians by providing safe and affordable housing that enables positive social outcomes.
CHC 2023 - 2030 Strategic Plan
In 2023, Calgary Housing approved an 8-year Strategic Plan to guide long-term business planning and annual workplans.
Our Mandate
Calgarians need a place to call home. Calgary Housing provides affordable housing to meet the needs of Calgarians through:
- Safe homes that are part of the community;
- Sustainable business practices with accountability to stakeholders; and
- Connecting tenants to social supports that enable them to remain housed.