City of Calgary signs modernized housing agreement with the Government of Alberta
City of Calgary signs modernized housing agreement with the Government of Alberta February 18, 2021 City of Calgary Information Release Click here to view this release on The City of Calgary, and the Government of Alberta reached a four-year $34M operating and capital funding agreement to enable the continued provision of affordable housing for […]
Partnering with Momentum to Deliver Financial Empowerment
Partnering with Momentum to Deliver Financial Empowerment Partnership with Momentum connects tenants to opportunities that can translate into financial success! See the end of this story for things you can do with Momentum today! Momentum, a Calgary agency founded in 1991, is focused on creating a thriving local economy for all by working with individuals, […]
A Look Back at How CHC has Supported Tenants Throughout 2020
A Look Back at How CHC has Supported Tenants Throughout 2020 Through a very challenging 2020, Calgary Housing Company has focused on its mission to make life better for Calgarians by working to improve how we provide affordable housing and support tenants. CHC responded to the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic and to technological and […]
Calgary Housing Company 2019 Tenant Satisfaction Survey Results
CHC 2019 Tenant Satisfaction Survey Results Calgary Housing Company strives to understand tenant experiences to better deliver affordable housing to Calgarians in need. Calgary Housing Company is committed to providing quality homes and a positive experience for its tenants. As part of efforts to continually improve service delivery, CHC regularly conducts a Tenant Satisfaction Survey. The […]
CHC Partnership with I Can For Kids supports thousands of kids!
Partnership with I Can For Kids supports thousands of kids! Partnership between CHC and I Can For Kids helps to distribute almost $200,000 in grocery cards to help thousands of kids and families at CHC managed properties this summer. Building partnerships with community agencies, programs and advocates has been a primary strategy for Calgary Housing […]
How Calgary Housing Company monitors for cases of COVID-19
How CHC monitors for cases of COVID-19 Calgary Housing Company is actively monitoring for risk of COVID-19 and is ready to activate efforts to reduce the chances of an outbreak at our properties and offices. In order to keep Calgary Housing Communities safe, our Pandemic Response Team is working with CHC staff to monitor the […]
Eviction Prevention and CHC Rent Payment Plans
Eviction Prevention and CHC Rent Payment Plans Calgary Housing Company is committed working with tenants who are at risk of eviction due to rental arrears by developing a rent payment plan. At Calgary Housing Company, our mandate is to provide affordable housing to low and moderate income Calgarians. As a compassionate and caring landlord, we […]
CHC Strongly Recommends Face Coverings in Properties
CHC Strongly Recommends Face Coverings in Properties On August 1, a City of Calgary bylaw will come into effect requiring Calgarians to wear face coverings in public places. Although this bylaw does not apply to residential properties including those operated by Calgary Housing Company, CHC is strongly recommending that all tenants wear face coverings in […]
Information for tenants about face mask distribution
Information for tenants about face mask distribution Calgary Housing Company will be receiving masks from the Government of Alberta to distribute to CHC tenants as part of the COVID-19 response. Calgary Housing Company supports the health, safety and well-being of our tenants and will be distributing face masks at our more highly populated locations throughout the […]
June 21 is National Indigenous People’s Day
June 21 is National Indigenous People’s Day On June 21, Canada will be celebrating National Indigenous People’s Day, a day to recognize and celebrate the cultures and contributions of Indigenous peoples from across Canada. Let’s gather together – online – to celebrate the rich cultures and stories of Indigenous peoples in Alberta. Join Calgary Housing […]