
New Financial and Community Resources | May 7, 2020

New Financial and Community Resources | May 7, 2020 The following information and resources were added to the COVID-19 Financial Supports and Community Supports areas of our website. Government Benefits and Info Prime Minister announces expanded access to Canada Emergency Response Benefit and support for essential workers – To help more Canadians benefit from the […]

2020 Mental Health Week is May 4 – 10

2020 Mental Health Week is May 4 – 10 The theme of this year’s mental health week is ‘social connection’ and its importance for mental health. This year we are being called to #GetReal about how we really feel. People in Canada commonly ask one another how we are, but just as common is to […]

Ongoing Essential Site Work During COVID-19 Pandemic

Ongoing Essential Site Work During COVID-19 Pandemic CHC has implemented changes to our business to reduce exposure and minimize transmission such as meeting with tenants over the phone, electronic lease signing and reducing our maintenance work to essential work only to minimize exposure to our tenants, employees and contractors. As we navigate the coming weeks […]

Bow West Literacy Program – Online Dollars and Cents

BowWest Literacy Program – Online Dollars and Cents BowWest Literacy Program is offering their Dollars and Cents workshops online! Dollars & Cents is a financial empowerment program that helps participants develop the financial skills needed to build the lives they want to lead. The program has five workshops which include topics such as budgeting, banking, and […]

Using non-medical face masks / face coverings

Using non-medical face masks/face coverings Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the use of non-medical face masks to help control the spread of COVID-19. According to Alberta Health, wearing a non-medical mask, such as a homemade cloth mask, has not been proven to protect the person wearing it. However, face coverings are […]

Reminder to tenants about plumbing and clogged drains

Reminder to tenants about plumbing and clogged drains Use of home toilets has increased from people remaining at home due to self-quarantine and social distancing protocols. The increase in toilet paper use combined with alternative paper products being flushed down toilets is causing residential and city wastewater systems to be overloaded. Tenants are reminded to only flush […]

A Letter from CHC President Sarah Woodgate

We’re All in This Together! A Letter from CHC President Sarah Woodgate Greetings to all CHC Tenants, At Calgary Housing Company, the health, safety and wellbeing of our tenants is of the utmost importance. The current situation we are facing with COVID-19 is unprecedented. All levels of government, citizens and the community are comingtogether to […]

Steps to Limit the Spread – Social Distancing and Essential Visitor Rules

Steps to Limit the Spread Social Distancing and Essential Visitor Rules We’re all in it together. The effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19 depends on each of us doing our part to protect each other. Calgary Housing Company has taken steps to support this effort by increasing cleaning of common areas, closing our front […]

How CHC has been supporting tenants

How CHC has been supporting tenants April 2, 2020 Calgary Housing Company, our partners at the City, and local social service agencies have come together in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Making sure CHC tenants are taken care of throughout the current situation remains a top priority. As such we have been working on a […]

Information for Rent Supplement Tenants

Information for Rent Supplement Tenants We understand these are challenging and uncertain times and want to provide you with some information that may assist you if you are facing additional financial struggles at this time. If you are experiencing a change of circumstance please access additional supports available to Albertans like Alberta Works ( or […]

A diverse group of happy people of a wide range of ages.

Have Your Voice Heard

In early 2024 we will be reaching out to residents to gather your experiences, opinions, and ideas to inform our Anti-Racism Strategy.

You can participate by:

  • Completing the survey that will be distributed in early 2024
  • Volunteer to join a focus group (this will be available through the survey)


Watch for more information coming soon!